Taming of the Shrew Cast Announced!
We have begun our rehearsals for our next production, The Taming of the Shrew, hitting Fremont Park (weather permitting – backup locations TBA) on April 7 – 10, 2017. We are a few rehearsals in and already it’s shaping up to be an exhilarating ride. The brilliant ensemble attempting to tame that shrew are:
Baptista Minola : BJ Nash
Katherina : Nina Dramer*
Bianca : Katie Peters
Lucentio : Kayla Willett*/Shelby Larsen
Tranio : Lincoln Taylor
Biondello : Samantha Hannum*
Gremio : Kathleen Poe*
Hortensio : Mary Jo O’Connor
Petruchio : Dale Flint
Grumio : Sarah Rothaus
Vincentio : Khephra Owl[/column]
[column]Pedant : Sharon Pressburg-Nevans
Widow : Sharon Pressburg-Nevans
Curtis : Faye “Nick” Taylor*
Nathaniel : Sinead Kennedy*
Nicholas : Khephra Owl
Joseph : Sharon Pressburg-Nevans
Peter : Zoe Nauman/Lynn Baker/Shelby Larsen
Servant (IV.1) : Zoe Nauman/Lynn Baker/Shelby Larsen
Haberdasher : Zoe Nauman/Lynn Baker/Shelby Larsen
Tailor : Faye “Nick” Taylor*
Servant (III.1) : Sinead Kennedy*
*Founding company members
Photography by Mike Poe.
One Comment
Petruchio’s answer is to psychologically tame Katherina, a method not frowned upon by society; “the play signals a shift towards a “modern” way of managing the subordination of wives by legitimatising domination as long as it is not physical.”