Much Ado About Nothing Cast Announced
Rehearsal is under way for our 6th production. Much Ado About Nothing will land in Fremont Park on June 1, 2, & 3rd at 6:00pm and on June 4th as part of our Monday Night Shakespeare Series, also at 6:00pm. We will also be presenting a bite sized version during our Brown Bag Bard series in Cesar Chavez Park on June 18 & 28 at 12:15pm. Bring your lunch and picnic in the park with us and still make it back to work on time. Tickets are available and free, with a suggested donation of $10 at the park to help us continue our mission.
Our cast includes 5 founding company members and a host of new actors!
Don Pedro – Kathleen Poe *
Don John – Christine Nicholson
Leonato – Dale Lisa Flint
Benedick – Kayla Willett *
Claudio – Shelby Saumier *
Beatrice – Julianna Hess *
Conrade – Theresa Vann-Stribling
Dogberry – Christine Nicholson
Verges – Johnna Wood *
Hero/Sexton – Yesenia Diaz
Usrula/ Friar – Robyn Shuck
Borachio/Margaret – Devin Justice
Messenger/Seacoal – Shannon Poe
Watch – Sidney Smith
Directed by Lori Ann DeLappe-Grondin* with assistance from Kim McCann-Lawson and Julianna Hess*. Choreography is provided by Shannon Mahoney. Stage Management by Emily Baker and Josh Anderson*.

*Founding Company Members
Sabrina Justice
Looking forward to your Much Ado.. production and thought I’d bring it to your attention that you have Devin’s last name wrong in the photo lineup. https://i2.wp.com/wildflowerensemble.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Much-Ado-About-Nothing-Cast-Photos.jpg
Her last name is Justice, not Jones.
Sabrina Justice
(Devin’s mom 😉
Wildflower Women's Ensemble
Ack, sorry!! Don’t even know where that came from. Thank you!