The Joyful Director
I know – if you done much work in the theatre, you have most likely worked with a director or two or more who is never joyful, let alone happy. That can make the rehearsal process a chore rather than…
The Director’s Dilemma
I know, I know. Most people think the director’s dilemma is probably casting the show and sometimes, that is the case. However, when one is taking on one of Shakespeare’s so called “problem plays” with the knowledge you have to…
Rehearsals have begun…this IS a problem play!
We'll take you on a walk through our process each week we have rehearsal and explore this play while we's gonna be a wonderous and amazing journey
Measure for Measure Cast Announced
We are proud to announce the cast for our next production, Measure for Measure, directed by Kim McCann-Lawson. "The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept." - II.ii, Measure for Measure, William Shakespeare
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Our second production announced - Macbeth on May 8 & 9, 6:00pm in Fremont Park.
Next Production Announced – Macbeth is coming!
Second show announced - 80-minute Macbeth, location tbd. April 2 at 7:00, April 3 at 3:00.
Meet the Founding Company Members
Meet the founding company members for Wildflower Women's Ensemble!
Wildflower is here!
Our first production, ever, is coming to Fremont Park on Sept. 11, 12 & 18.
First Production Announced!
Wildflower Women’s Ensemble is excited to announce that we are preparing for our very first production. In Sept. we plan to present our first all-female cast in a speedy Henry V, headed up by Julianna Hess as King Henry. The…
Meet the Founders
Wildflower was founded in July 2015 by Julianna Hess, Lori Ann DeLappe-Grondin and Joshua Anderson. Meet them here.