Thank you!
Thank you to all who came out to see Measure for Measure! We are working on our winter fundraiser and will be announcing it within the next days.
Measure for Measure, Free Shakespeare in the Park
Join us for our first production of our second season. 80 minutes long in the park. Oh, did we mention it’s FREE? Yes, it’s free. Only four performances, 8/25 – 29, 2016, 6:00pm at Fremont Park. Stop in one of the great eating establishments surrounding this area before the show and bring your food to the show. (no concessions will be available)
Parking may be challenging, so come early or take Light Rail. Bring chairs, blankets and such to sit on. This is a public park, so no alcohol or smoking is allowed on park grounds. Public park bathrooms are available onsite. The show will be over by 7:30.
Please RSVP and pick up a ticket online so we can have an idea of how many we are reaching.
If you are interested in supporting Wildflower Women’s Ensemble through an in-kind, monetary or service donation, please contact Lori Ann at
Thank you, and we’ll see you in the park.